The Water Fountain of Geneva |
Juan Carlos Hernandez - Life Photographer

Les oeuvres de de Juan Carlos Hernandez sont mises à disposition selon les termes de la licence Creative Commons Attribution - Pas d’Utilisation Commerciale - Pas de Modification 3.0 non transposé.
#photo of the Famous Water Fountain of #Geneva #Switzerland + The Jellowjackets song
Tags :
jet d'eau,
water fountain

Pays/territoire :
Genève, Suisse
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Please visit my other blog "Juan Carlos Hernandez - Stage and Jazz Photographer
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Molto bella!!!
Simplemente: ohhhhh :)
What a great photo! Very dream-like, other-worldly...i Love it
Some pretty scary clouds you got there;) And I've been there! Heh, I guess I will need to visit it once again some day.
Photo remarquable et belle exceptionnelle, JC. J'aime le contraste de toutes les couleurs (le ciel bleu avec les nuages turbulents fonces qui sont gris, blancs et noirs). The music is really beautiful (never heard it before).
I like your water and air composition... interested to see your earth and fire !! You go from strength to strength. Bravo!
Sin vuelta atrás...
Brota y crece el latido desnudo
de una gota evaporada...
Indiscutible impacto...!!
Hi, Juan.
Great blog, photos and music.
I am following your inspiration.
Breathtaking beauty, love the music added as well. Very haunting lovely.
~April :)
Tel un geyser pour assombrir nos jours...
Thanks for your comments ;-)
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