I'm born and live in Geneva, Switzerland.
Switzerland is a very rich country but not full of rich people. Lot of us are common people with common incomes, like me and more are working poor (15% of the population)
I took this photograph on the 2009 summer during a the Peru National Holiday in my hometown Geneva.
The occasion for thousands of latino-americans from Geneva to have some good time.
This people work hard during the week and most of the time being "clandestinos" .. illegal strangers, living in the fear to be caught by the police.
So, with this simple image, I wish to pay tribute to this great people who raise our children, who clean our houses, who cook in our restaurants, etc.
It seems they are more or less 5000 (Geneva : 500 000 people).
Overall, it would be fantastic if we finish with some hypocrisy of right wing politics party and we, at last, legalize lot of them.
The multicultural Geneva is not only the Geneva of the United Nations but also and overall, for me, this Geneva. The Geneva I like really
Finally, an interesting link about the subject (in french but don't forget "google translator) if you want to read more about illegal strangers in Switzerland.
I love the times I've had in Geneva when I've visited. I used to bicycle to Lausanne and beyond on day trips and longer forays around the lake. The first time I visited I was struck by how warmly I was treated by the people. I ended up staying with musicians I met at concerts when performing there and nearby. Thanks for sharing your photos and thoughts about the culture there and other places. Regards, Victor
Gira la odisea espacial....
mundo infiel... eternos errantes...
incesante vaivén...
Visible... a la luz... sin identidad...
esclavitud... explotada... excluida...
El autoritario tirano poderoso...
reprime... oprime... provoca...
Invisible... al trasluz...
camuflar la transparencia....
pequeña llama... encuentros cómplices...
derecho básico... supervivencia...
digna seguridad...
Fuerza activa... existir... resistir...
Danza multicultural...
desinhibida manifestación...
recibir con los brazos abiertos...
anhelada parcela de libertad...
Thank you Juan... Thank you for that.
Yes Hernandez, i understand your text. and in the name of Portuguese people....cheers for you
Me llevará tiempo explorar tu blog, pero es fascinante...soy Mar_Lou de twitter :)
Música e imágenes, sí creo que eres muy buen fotógrafo y tienes un excelente gusto musical :)
¿Practicas el idioma español, viendo que tus raíces son hispanas?
De los inmigrantes ilegales, es una terrible tragedia tener que olvidarse de las raíces en busca de una mejor vida.
De México y Centro - Sudamérica se van a Estados Unidos, y ahí permanecen "ocultos" y la mayoría de las veces "marginados" para que no los deporten.
Mis abuelos maternos salieron huyendo (con sus familias), de Italia durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial y México los acogió.
¡Amo esta tierra!
I've never been to Geneva but I once was in Zürich. Recently I was deciding on where to go for my Master's, was thinking about Geneva but then I learned that studies in Switzerland are not free! that was shocking ;)
I've never seen this side of Geneva, only airport, taxi, hotel, office... sometimes a quick drive through the city en route to somewhere else. Thank you.
Me has puesto la carne de gallina: emocionante declaración de internacionalismo con la que estoy completamente de acuerdo. No sólo tocayo de nombre... es curioso: me gusta lo que voy conociendo de tí, además de tus fotos y la música que pones. C'est un plaisir d'avoir fait ta connaissance, mon ami!
The illegal immagration situation you refer to is a much debated issue in the US, as well, as I'm sure you know. I don't know if there is an "easy" answer to the dellema, but I agree with you that many of these brave people contribute trememdously to our society and our culture and should be legalized. The parameters that need to be applied are still vague. But maybe we'll figure it out one day. Meanwhile, I love the different cultures living peacefully and happily together, sharing ideas, dreams and cultures. Love your photos! Love the music. Good job, again, my dear friend! Hugs!
The Open-Minded that I LOVE ! Les Racines c'est FORT !
It warms my heart to hear you talk like this, Juan-Carlos. Inclusion and tolerance are always better than exclusion. We're all part of one whole and things work so much better when we embrace that reality.
Fantastic to have some insight into your life in Geneva...and to discover more about the difficulties of immigration (worldwide), as well as the glorious wonders of multicultural communities. Thanks! ≈✿≈❀≈☼≈
Thanks so much to all for your comments ! Peace
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