Juan Carlos Hernandez - Life Photographer


Le Cygne (The Swan) with music composed by Camille Saint-Saëns


Anonymous said...

Oh, dear Juan-Carlos, whose face is it drowning in the waters of black sorrow? One can see the red pain ebbing from the mind - to cast it's presence into the darkness. Alas, the Swan that captured the submerged one's heart is still hovering there shadowing the heart from the light of hope. But, there is hope, light is still on the face of the waters of sorrow...resurrection will come. Drink the bitter waters of sorrow but there is healing in the wings of tomorrow for the soul.

Sofia said...

La lave s'écoule...La marée noire apparaît et le cygne tente de renaître en déployant ses ailes...

bijinga said...

Y, en el silencio...


Engarzado en la noche el lago de tu alma,
diríase una tela de cristal y de calma
tramada por las grandes arañas del desvelo.

Nata de agua lustral en vaso de alabastros;
espejo de pureza que abrillantas los astros
y reflejas la cima de la Vida en un cielo...
Yo soy el cisne errante de los sangrientos rastros,
voy manchando los lagos y remontando el vuelo.

Delmira Agustini

gandratruck said...

Lindissima, momentos de contemplação saborear o som... as tuas fotos dão-me força para fotografar, sabias? :) abraço

Unknown said...

Luz en la oscuridad...

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