Juan Carlos Hernandez - Life Photographer


Tribute To Alda Merini / Collaboration with "Poesia Nuda", a performance in Italy the 27th of September 2009

Alda Merini, wonderful italian poetress, passed away  the 1st of November (  http://www.corriere.it/cultura/09_novembre_01/morta-milano-alda-merini_afe170d6-c70c-11de-b8db-00144f02aabc.shtml ) . I publish again this post (from the 09/11) in order to paid her an humble tribute.


I'm happy to share the result of the collaboration I'm having with "Poesia Nuda" in Italy.

You will find below the video and below the video the pitch of the performance

The pitch :

Poesia Nuda….is back on 27 September 2009, h. 21.00; @ De Andrè Theatre of Casalgrande – Reggio Emilia.

A year later, Ovidio Bigi – pianist and compositor and Graziella Ferraccù – telling voice, turn back on Theatre De Andrè scene, what they share this time is not a recital, but a great cultural/musical project with the title: “Poesia Nuda, tribute to Alda Merini”.

What they want to share with the audience, it’s a performance where the arts of music, poetry, photography and dance weave, to create suggestions, to move emotions, to cause thoughts and reflections into the brain and the soul of the audience, with witch Poesia Nuda communicates trough new and composite models of artistic expressions.

So it’s too few to identify the art products of the duo as simple musicated poetry, their performances are more near, for atmosphere and ideas, to some jazz performances, than some fixed interpretative scripts.

The original compositions, on the 17 poetic text of the poet Alda Merini have been propery “embroidered” by the pianist Ovidio Bigi on the interpretation of the texts of the telling voice Graziella Ferraccù, and the interpretation of the texts have been inspired on the music, creating a deep expressive synergy on the two arts. This is the reason why the duet like to think the essence of Poesia Nuda (translated in English as Naked Poetry- as “Poetry in music, Music trough the words”.

During the show another marquetry has shown among more arts: visual and sonorous ones: the video poetry of “Paura dei tuoi Occhi”.- Fear by your eyes- This art production was done with the rich collaboration of the famous genevan photographer Juan-Carlos Hernandez that gift the audience his refined pictures of artistic female nudity.

To make richest the basic performance , the presence of Federica Bigi, beautiful and light dancer that gives “body” to the emotions made in music and words by suggestive choreographies of modern dance on music and poetries.

Making a continuous line with this new artistic experiments, for this gig some big names of music and tango will be present.

The pianist Ovidio Bigi will perform with two of the most famous accordionist of the city : Paolo Gandolfi and Daniele Donadelli. This couple of musicians makes concerts all over the world.

The tangos performed will be choreographed by a couple of tango argentine dancer from the school of “Paolo and Rossella Tango” with the presence of the master Valentina Gennari.

Poesia nuda is as a precious carpet of delicious weave of arts to exalt the female sensibility and creativity of the female poet Alda Merini, great presence in the Italian Contemporary literary panorama, that much people think is the next named poet for the Nobel of Literature, and a purpose of Poesia Nuda with its performance is to be a sign and a sensible example of her great talent.

1 comment:

bijinga said...

Poesía Nuda...
fascinante proyecto artístico, florecimiento emocional...

"Paura dei tuoi occhi"...

Seductor ritmo...
bella envoltura sensual...


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